Every Nation Church
Cheque Account
Account Number 01002911155,
Branch Code 420517,
Swift Code ABSAAJJ.
As a family, we believe that tithing (giving 10% of our gross income to the church) is another act of worship to God, much like singing to Him is. Tithing is a way to honour God and to declare with action that He is our provider, that He is good and that He has lordship over every area of our lives, including finances. No member or visitor is obligated to give, and we encourage every person to give under personal conviction of God’s word on finances and stewardship and the Great Commission of reaching the world.
Tithes and offerings are all put towards the cost of running the church, and none of the tithes money is put toward building renovations.
During this time when we are unable to meet face-to-face due to the COVID-19 virus, we encourage people who would like to give tithes, offerings and/or gifts to the continuous running of the church to do so via EFT, using the bank details on this page.
Every Nation Church Grahamstown has just bought its own church building by the grace and power of God and the love and unity of both past and present church family members. Renovations are continuing, and we would like to invite you to partner with us in this exciting project. We are called to Disciple Leaders, Plant Churches and Reform Nations and will be using our own building to further pursue our vision and be a blessing to our city, Makhanda (Grahamstown), our nation, South Africa and the nations of the world. To partner with us, you can purchase a brick or join with others to purchase a brick. Our banking details are found at the top of this page. Please use “Bricks” or “Building Fund” and your name as the reference, so that we know that the donation is specially for the building and so that we can thank you for your generosity.
Our continued progress is given in our monthly alumi newsletters, so if you would like to receive those or receive updates personally, please contact us on
Thanks in advance for your support, whether financial or in prayer.
Almost all of our staff are employed by the means of Ministry Partnership (MP). Simply put, an MP team is made up of people who are passionate about reaching the world with God’s love, but who aren’t called to full-time ministry. Instead, they partner with vocational ministry leaders spiritually and financially. In this way, the staff member is supported by their team in prayer and with a monthly salary and is able to advance the Kingdom on behalf of the entire team.
Should you want more information on MP, or if you feel led to join one of our staff members’ MP team, please contact us on or chat to the staff member directly.