Apostolic Leadership
The leadership team at Every Nation Church Grahamstown is held accountable by Pastor Roger Pearce, the head of the Every Nation churches in Southern Africa, and Pastor Dave Hooper, director of the Every Nation churches in the Eastern Cape.
Elders are people who are appointed from the local congregation for church governance purposes. All major decisions about the current and future running of the church are discussed by the eldership team before being brought into effect. Elders are selected after they have shown themselves to be committed to following Jesus, committed to living out Kingdom principles in all areas of life and committed to loving the church and seeing our vision unfold.
Every Nation Grahamstown employs various ministry and administration staff to lead the church in an area of ministry and/or office operations. Almost all of our staff are employed by the means of Ministry Partnership (MP). Simply put, an MP team is made up of people who are passionate about reaching the world with God’s love, but who aren’t called to full-time ministry. Instead, they partner with vocational ministry leaders spiritually and financially. In this way, the staff member is supported by their team in prayer and with a monthly salary and is able to advance the Kingdom on behalf of the entire team.
Every Nation Ministry Internship
The ENMI internship is a two year programme very similar to MP, designed for men and women who feel they may have a calling to pursue a ministry vocation. First year interns are trained in every area of ministry, from evangelism to administration, and also do weekly teachings and readings to stimulate the intellectual side of ministry as well as the practical side. Should they feel, after a year, that they’d like to continue pursing a ministry vocation their portfolios are specialised somewhat and they are integrated onto church staff while still learning, growing and benefiting from a mentorship programme. evangelism to administration, and also do weekly teachings and readings to stimulate the intellectual side of ministry as well as the practical side.
Connect Small Group Leaders and Ministry Leader Volunteers (IMPACT)
We believe that every church member is called to be a leader, and that developing leaders works the best in a discipleship relationship. Our ministries at Every Nation Church Grahamstown are volunteer based, and we encourage every member of our church to find the ministry they are called to serve in. We also encourage every member to be part of a connect small group; a group of Christians in their area who meet together once a week and do life together in a way aimed at growth and support.
When a member has been raised up, trained, empowered and developed, we ask them to take over a connect small group or a ministry so that they can disciple the members in their groups as they were once discipled when they were part of the group. The ministry and connect small group leaders are developed and discipled by area group leaders; ministry and connect small group leaders who have been raised and equipped to disciple and lead leaders. These area group leaders are further equipped and empowered by their own area group, led by our Senior Pastor, Tendai.