The vision statement of our church is: Discipling leaders, planting churches, reforming nations.
To fulfil the Great Commandment and Great Commission, we believe that we must develop God-loving, disciple-making leaders who will extend the Kingdom of God as they plant churches & reform nations. We believe in:
- Discipling leaders, because this was at the foundation of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
- Planting churches, because it is the most effective Biblical method for reaching the nations of the earth.
- Reforming nations, because Jesus brought us the gospel of the Kingdom, a gospel that is powerful to save our souls, heal our bodies and transform our world.
While the term ‘leader’ has sometimes taken on negative connotations, we unashamedly believe that Jesus desires every believer to lead as a servant & a godly influence in churches, families and society, and that the mandate given to the church to make disciples of all nations can only be fully realised as every believer lives out their true God-given potential as a leader.
Furthermore, we believe that as Jesus and the apostles demonstrated, discipling leaders functions best in a family atmosphere of deep relationship and great grace.
We will fulfil our vision of discipling leaders, planting churches & reforming nations as we engage with culture and community to see unbelievers turn to Christ, Establish Biblical foundations in the lives of new believers, equip all believers to minister, and empower all believers to make disciples and become leaders.